
2022-03-31 Drama Club

Wan came to see the theater club's art work!

Art is one of the things behind the scenes, and I mainly make the props.
This time, it seems that Wan is planning to create a stand like the third one for the spring performance.
By the way, the performance will be filmed and released as a video.

The work is still in its early stages, and we come across a scene where wood is being cut, cut, cut.
But if it gets cut like this, Hakken and Koken will be... woof!
Before that, here's a photo!

I'm looking forward to seeing it completed!

The 4th to 7th photos show the drama club's usual activities.

It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, with members of all genders, experience levels, and agricultural and engineering departments coming together!
Everyone can decide whether or not to participate in each performance, and there are various ways to do activities depending on your position, such as behind the scenes or as an actor, so Wang tries to adjust his schedule so that he can work comfortably.

Wang is currently working online and in-person depending on the situation. One is creating a stage that maintains the usual form of performances as much as possible (and safely!)!

With everyone's ideas and cooperation, the stained glass was made for the last 10th term (3rd year undergraduate students at the time) retirement performance.

Depending on the performance, Wang apparently makes the script, music, props, and costumes themselves.
The great thing about the drama club is that any talent or experience can be useful.

Many people from university are involved in theater. If you are interested, please contact us via Instagram (@noukouengeki_inst) or Twitter account (https://twitter.com/noukouengeki)!

The next performance is scheduled to be released as a video in late April to early May.

There seems to be a new welcome project, so feel free to take a look! For more information, please see the theater club's SNS accounts.

Of course, not only new students, but also second and third year students are welcome. The things that can be done expand rapidly just by having people around.

We are rooting for you from the bottom of our hearts so that everyone can have a fulfilling university life!

# Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology theater #drama #drama club # TUAT #spring #performance #from spring TUAT #freshmen #exam #exam #campus #circle # Faculty of Agriculture # Faculty of Engineering #tuat # Hakken and Koken #university #university #tokyo #tokyo #circle introduction of TUAT #science #campus exam #high school students #university #campus life #campus #circle #circle introduction of TUAT # Hakken Koken Supporter No_29
