
Department of Biological Production

Diploma Policy of Department of Biological Production

Department of Biological Production aims to develop broad-minded individuals who have a deep and broad understanding of agriculture in Japan and around the world, as well as advanced specialized knowledge related to agriculture, and who have excellent basic and applied skills in the fields of production environment, plant production, animal production, and agricultural management and economics.
Based on this goal, the Department of Department of Biological Production will determine whether a student is worthy of receiving a bachelor's degree if he or she has acquired the following abilities and achieved the targeted learning outcomes.

  1. Students must have a multifaceted perspective, have acquired a wide range of basic academic skills and knowledge in biological production science and related fields, and have the flexible and logical thinking skills to solve problems.
  2. Candidates must understand the specialized field of biological production science and possess advanced specialized knowledge, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and insight backed up by logical thinking.
  3. Students have acquired scientific research methods to solve issues facing humanity, such as food, agriculture, rural issues, and sustainable agriculture.
  4. Candidates must have a strong interest and enthusiasm in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries, the ability to contribute to their development with high ethical standards, the ability to communicate smoothly with people of different cultures, and the ability to adapt to diverse environments and have interpersonal skills.

Curriculum Policy of Department of Biological Production

In order to enable students to acquire the abilities set out in its diploma policy, the Department of Department of Biological Production has organized a systematic curriculum consisting of liberal arts subjects and department-specific subjects.

  1. In order to develop a multifaceted perspective and acquire and foster broad basic academic ability and flexible and logical thinking skills that will serve as the foundation for the study of biological production, students will take basic science and mathematics subjects, basic laboratory subjects, and basic and cross-disciplinary subjects related to the production environment, plant production, animal production, and agricultural management and economics that make up the department in their first and second years. In addition, liberal arts subjects appropriate for a science and technology university will be offered in stages in their first, second, and third years across faculties and departments in line with the progression of the academic year.
  2. In order to acquire advanced specialized knowledge in biological production and to develop application skills and insight, from the first to fourth years, students will take a wide range of systematic specialized lectures and experiments, practical training, and seminars in their specialized fields, from biology such as genetics, development, and enzyme reactions; analysis of biological production functions such as photosynthesis, nutrient absorption, nitrogen fixation, and lactation physiology; analysis and improvement of production processes such as community structure, fertilizer management, and livestock husbandry management; agricultural policy; and distribution and consumption systems for agricultural products. In addition, from the second half of the third year, students will be given education and research with an emphasis on laboratory activities.
  3. In order to effectively acquire scientific research methods for solving problems related to biological production, basic and specialized experimental and practical courses are offered in stages from the first to third years, such as biological production experiments using actual materials, agricultural field major training, and comprehensive agricultural management and economics seminars.
  4. In order to equip students with high ethical standards, the ability to contribute to agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries, and to equip them with communication and interpersonal skills, we will provide courses that continuously educate students on research ethics as they progress through the academic year, including courses that raise awareness of research ethics at the time of enrollment, and we will consistently provide active learning and seminar-style practical and exercise courses in which students can actively participate, from the first year through to graduation thesis research. Furthermore, in order to foster an internationally applicable sense of ethics and communication and adaptability in a variety of environments, we will provide a wide range of liberal arts courses, including English language courses, and courses common to all faculties, and will provide a wide range of opportunities for overseas training.

A-D: We provide students with the opportunity to apply the social ethics, specialized knowledge, and scientific research methods they have acquired through lectures and practical training to discover and solve problems related to biological production, and to demonstrate their ability to provide logical insight and report on their findings. Students will join a research lab from the second half of their third year and conduct graduation thesis research under the Supervisor.

Learning outcomes are evaluated as follows. In lecture courses, which aim primarily to acquire basic liberal arts skills, fundamental academic ability, the ability to utilize specialized knowledge, logical thinking skills, insight, and the ability to form a social and ethical outlook, as stipulated in the diploma policy, students will be assessed on the level of achievement through exams, reports, etc. In experiments, practical training, and seminar courses, which aim primarily to acquire the executive skills to advance research and development, the interpersonal skills to support collaboration with others, and the communication skills stipulated in the diploma policy, students will be assessed on the level of achievement through reports, oral presentations, etc. Grades for course exams are expressed in five levels: S, A, B, C, and D, with S, A, B, and C being passes, and D being a fail. Students who pass will be awarded the appropriate credits.

