Information Disclosure
Publication of corporate information
Information on corporate information such as organization, operations, and finances.
Disclosure information related to the status of educational research activities, etc.
This is information regarding the disclosure of information related to the status of educational research activities, etc. (Article 172-2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Act).
Status of compliance
Information regarding compliance with the National University Corporation Governance Code.
Information disclosure/personal information protection
This is information about the information disclosure and personal information protection office, such as information disclosure of corporate documents, disclosure of retained personal information, and internal university regulations.
Establishment of a whistleblower hotline
This is information regarding the establishment of a public interest reporting desk.
Disclosure information on the status of Faculty Member training
This is information regarding the disclosure of information on the status of Faculty Member training (Article 22-6 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Teacher Certification Act).
New Study Support System for Higher Education (content only in Japanese)
This is information about the new study support system for higher education.
Business method manual
This is information about the business method manual.